What to Expect at #PRSSANC

By: Kaitlyn Baase

296407_d636295cf34146a095004ba249cf7b87.png_srz_471_372_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srzPRSSA National Conference is right around the corner! I’m actually typing this up in the airport terminal waiting to board my flight to D.C. (: After months of planning and fundraising, it’s crazy to think that this weekend is actually here. Here’s a quick list of what members going to #PRSSANC can expect.

Making New Connections

You are going to meet so many new people. Every person that you meet is an opportunity to make a connection that could change your life. Take the time to have genuine conversations with those you meet, and don’t forget to give them a business card! You never know who you may work for/with someday. Also, what is better than a whole conference filled with #PRpeeps?!

Making New Friends

Going along with making connections, you are going to make some amazing friends at #PRSSANC. Make sure you use some of your free time to hang out with your new friends in the city! The friendships you make there can last a lifetime.

Expanding Your Horizons

With so many different general sessions taking place, its going to be a great way to expand your thinking of PR. There are sessions about every type of PR industry you could think of! Check out some sessions that may be different than what you would normally attend. You never know if you’re interested in something if you don’t go out and explore!

An Experience You Will Never Forget

This weekend has the potential to change your life. You have so many great opportunities at your doorstep, so make sure you are taking advantage of them.

If you’re not going this weekend, don’t fret! Follow along with the conversation by following the hashtag #PRSSANC. You will be able to see updates from students and professionals from all over the country.

About ferrisprssa

We speak the truth with compassion. We embrace diversity in all forms. We are innovative, creative, upbeat and engaged. We are the Ferris State University PRSSA Chapter! Our student-run PR firm gives students outstanding hands-on experience and professional training.
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